Caberfeidh SIDX Project

GB3EI Analog Repeater

There are timed connection to other repeaters and conference systems for general interest groups, etc.


07:30 to 08:10 GB3NU

08:30 to 09:30 UK-HUB

14:05 to 14:35 IRELAND (Echolink)

18:00 to 19:30 UK-HUB


All other times open to local users however any one can disconnect any link using DTMF these are examples only.


Frequently Asked Questions

To use the Mast Head preamp you need to have a DTMF Microphone. Then you need to send DTMF Tones *51 to the repeater. This in turn will command the controller to turn ON the Preamp and give Low Noise gain of about 18db to the received signal, for a period of about 60 minutes and then reset to the off condition.

Mast Head Preamp

Timed Connections

To contact us:

Phone: 0787-1175672

Fax: 01263-821827

E-mail: gb3ei @

DTMF *32536

DTMF *327066

DTMF *33002605

DTMF *71 disconnect all

Legal Things NOV Internet Linking

Some have said Echolink is not aloud on repeaters, this is fiction. All current NOVs for repeaters include internet linking by default. You only need an additional NOV if the internet linking is done from some other location using RF, or sometimes by a third party user.


The Keeper or NOV holder is responsible to monitor the use and behaviour of users as much as possible, this can be done by listening directly to the RF, or by monitoring via an internet linked connection.


Anything else see the Ofcom web site or the ETCC ~ RSGB web sites for more information.


For the definitive answers on what the Keeper is responsible for when running the Repeater see the link on the RSGB ETCC Site Abuse Information

Complaints, Abuse or Operating Procedures

First thing its just a Hobby.

But if you really have something to complain about, or don't like the way GB3EI is operated, then the best action is to send a polite email to gb3ei  @ Your comments will be looked into. If there is something that can be changed, that does not detract from the spirit of the hobby, and the purpose of a modern 21st century radio repeater.

Then your comment may be considered.